Kilkenny Primary School
Challenging Powerful Learners
19 Jane Street, West Croydon SA 5008

Urban Bush Camp


Urban Bush Camp Feedback Form

Urban Bush Camp Brochure

Urban Bush Camp Accommodation/Meals

Urban Bush Camp Booking Request


10 minutes from Adelaide CBS

Secure, safe environment

Affordable  camping experience

Large commercial kitchen

Tenting for up to 60 students

Kilkenny Primary School is centrally located on Port Road at West Croydon. The main train line connecting the City and Port Adelaide is walking distance behind the school. Secure fencing is locked at night, making the students safe.

Scrublands were established many years ago with mature native trees and shrubs. A teaching platform (outdoor classroom), small pond and fire pit are well located in the scrub. Plans for an Aboriginal Food Tucker trail and Kaurna learning environment are also well under way.

The school has a Stephanie Alexander Garden with fruit orchard, garden and chickens, 2 ovals and numerous play areas.

A commercial kitchen with 5 individual bays allows students to enjoy cooking on camp. An outside pizza oven, BBQ and fire pit for damper are also available if desired.


There are 20 three person tents which students from 7 yrs of age can erect with assistance. Mattresses are available for each child to  sleep on in their tent.  The gym is also available for sleeping, sport activities, films and inside games


Students can explore the scrub, make huts from wood and bamboo, learn orienteering skills and look for tadpoles.


Students can be involved in the food part of their camping  in a number of different ways. Each school can self-cater, using the kitchen, pizza oven and BBQ's.
Our local High School offers catering for camps, at a reasonable cost if required
Make damper or roast marshmallows in teh fire pit in the scrub


There are many group / team building resourced activities available for use in the gym or ovals and scrub area


Most schools arrive on a Friday afternoon, camp overnight, and pack up  to return home mid-  morning on Saturday
The camping experience suits children who are having their first time sleeping in tents as a class.
The train service behind the school also allows for easy access into the Adelaide CBD to visit the Museum, Art Gallery, Adelaide Zoo. In the other direction, Port Adelaide offers the Maritime Museum, Railway Museum and the Port experiences.